Blood pressure monitor for your heart health

High Blood Pressure is as common as cold these days, but with far more damaging consequences. Excessive blood pressure leads to severe cardiovascular diseases, resulting in 18.6 million deaths yearly. Hence, the World Heart Federation initiated World Heart Day on 29th September to spread awareness of this severity. It encourages individuals to take action by educating them on how risk factors such as cigarette usage, improper diet, and physical inactivity can prevent at least 80% of premature deaths from heart disease and stroke.

However, seeking services from clinics and labs to test the same might not be feasible for many. Coronation is on a mission to make your life easier with the most accurate BP monitor to check blood pressure.

Blood pressure monitors include a user manual, a digital monitor, an arm cuff that wraps around your arm, & a carry pouch. You can now check your blood pressure levels with commendable accuracy and an easy-to-use manual.

Blood pressure fluctuations and common heart diseases


Blood pressure fluctuations and common heart diseases

Heart disease comes in various forms and has unique signs, causes, and treatments. Some of the most common chronic heart diseases are coronary heart disease, heart attack, heart failure and congenital [inherent] diseases. The good news is that this is still manageable by a regular check up to lookout for any fluctuation. Specifically, blood pressure fluctuations spell trouble for heart patients. While it is usual for blood pressure to increase during the day, extreme blood pressure fluctuations can present major complications. Some surefire ways of detecting fluctuating blood pressure are looking out for facial flushing, sweating, headaches, or an uneasy feeling.

Reasons for BP fluctuations:

  • Stress
  • Medication
  • Hypertension
  • Diet and exercise
  • Adrenal and hormonal issues
  • Emotional distress

How can checking BP regularly keep your health on track?

BP monitors, also known as digital sphygmomanometers, can be used at home without assistance. They can assist in recording blood pressure daily, which can help prevent abrupt health concerns like heart failure and stroke. BP monitors benefit those who cannot visit a doctor regularly to have their blood pressure monitored. Sometimes, medical facilities cause anxiety and raise many people's blood pressure, a condition known as white coat hypertension. BP monitors can aid in accurately measuring such patients' blood pressure. Similarly, keeping track of BP levels can help healthcare providers initiate any further required medical actions.

What are the features and parameters of the right BP monitor?

A digital BP monitor has now replaced the traditional sphygmomanometer for the convenience of using and checking blood pressure levels from anywhere.

A general parameter for Blood Pressure is as follows:

  • Ideal blood pressure is between 90/60mmHg and 120/80mmHg.
  • High blood pressure is considered to be 140/90mmHg or higher.
  • Low blood pressure is considered to be 90/60mmHg or lower.

Easy to use, accurate and explicable readings make an excellent blood pressure monitor.

Why Coronation’s BP monitor?

BP monitors from Coronation are specially designed for quick accessibility and eligible readings. The materials used for the arm cuff wraps, squeeze balls and the batteries used are safe and of good quality. Some exclusive features of Coronation BP monitors are as follows:

  • One-touch operation
  • Detects irregular heartbeats
  • Large display for easy reading
  • Carry bags helping you to carry it anywhere hassle-free
  • Auto-off system
  • Notes date and time

Model variations of BP monitors:

Coronation Blood Pressure Monitor BP-1011

BP-1011: This monitor can store about 1x120 readings and is fast and efficient with decipherable readings.

Coronation Blood Pressure Monitor BP-1012

BP-1012:This monitor can store about 2x60 readings and has an extra large display with fast and accurate BP measurements.

Blood pressure checking machines costs relatively high; with Coronation, it is assured that all your needs are met economically and accurately. It is beneficial to have a BP machine in hand, and further, it allows and permits timely check-ups without fail. Heart disease is easier to treat when detected early. Embracing a healthy lifestyle at any age benefits your heart and eliminates the possibility of major heart ailments and strokes. A healthy heart keeps you active, controls blood pressure in check, and boosts your recovery rate.

Get yourself and your loved ones a BP monitor from Coronation today for a safer and healthier lifestyle.